Welcome to our page!! My name is Stacey. I am a wife to a carpenter and homeschooling mother of two. I am a fervent homesteader practicing self sustainability and have a strong spiritual connection to the outdoors which opened the door to the creation of our business. It began as a passion for gardening and science but when the kids joined our crew, we began to focus on maintaining our health. My relationship with healing myself naturally began at an early age where you could find me collecting plants from the yard to make my own "potions" and it came full circle as my kids get to make their own "potions" as well, but with specific intent. Together we create our own health, beauty and home products with things we grow in our very own soil. If we cannot produce or forage it ourselves we lean into other local, small businesses in our community first.
We believe that great health and happiness come from a well cared for mind, and body and we are excited to be a part of that journey with YOU.